The Rev. Eric Garner, Pastor
Though born in a small town in Pennsylvania, Eric spent the majority of his youth in the Bay Area of California. Growing up in a pastor’s household, Eric was convinced that he would never work for a church – so our God certainly has an ironic sense of humor.
Eric’s history of ministry with the church has included working as a volunteer in youth groups; taking on a variety of positions for an interdenominational camping ministry; working as a full-time youth director; and now, most recently, serving as Valmont’s pastor. He received his M.Div. from Princeton Theological Seminary in New Jersey; avidly engages in Biblical studies and theological inquiry; and has an unshakable hope in the Gospel of Jesus the Messiah.
Apart from his ministry with Valmont, Eric can be found enjoying life with his wife, reading, writing, baking bread, and hiking. Also, he is a firm believer that almost any situation can be improved with a fine cup of tea in hand.
Email: pastor@valmontchurch.org