Church-Youth Partnering

Valmont’s partnership with youth takes advantage of the natural qualities a small church.  Rather that assigning youth to a separate program or group where they associate only with their peers, Valmont integrates children and teens into the worship and ministry of the church.

  • Relationships are developed between teens and adult mentors.
  • Teens learn the church takes them seriously and there is a real place for them in the life of the church.
  • Teens will see firsthand adults who model their faith, as a journey in the real world, dealing with every-day issues.

Roman-saw Youth participate in mission work at Valmont, including Project James.


  • Children of various ages take advantage of a wide variety of camps, retreats and other activities at Highlands Presbyterian Camp and Retreat Center.
  • Teens participate with peers in activities at local churches and youth ministries.
  • Boating, canoeing and fishing are available on the church lake.